Retirement Readiness

It’s Time to Strategize

No one plans to fail, but many fail to plan. There is no one magic formula for income in retirement, but we can help you adopt the best investment behavior, so your retirement lifestyle has a strong foundation.

Social Security

It is vital to understand how Social Security will interact with your retirement income in the future. Most people will pay taxes on 80% of their Social Security income. Will you?


Do you know and/or understand what causes a tax event when conducting a rollover? Are you aware of the biggest mistake you can make when leaving with a qualified strategy? Integrity can account for your personal situation and show you the best way to approach a rollover.


Individuals who realize taxes deferred in a qualified account have never and will never become their money are now electing to address the taxes at the lowest rate and calculation available. Have you considered this action?

Withdrawal Methods

We believe it is important to remove all restrictions that prevent liquidity use and control of your nest egg. These would be things such as restricted access until age 59 1/2 and required minimum distributions at age 73. It is also important to begin withdrawals in retirement from the most tax-efficient positions. We help you to establish the proper position and the freedom of access you desire.

Transactions and Conversions

Are you aware that a fee is generated every time there is a transaction within your qualified account? Were you also aware that there is an annual management fee? Additionally, there are advertising fees for the fund (12b1 fees) and varied hidden fees within most qualified accounts. Most consider rolling a 401(k) or 403(b) into an IRA to be a conversion. It’s not, because both accounts are still qualified under ERISA rules. A true conversion would be one from an ERISA account to a non-ERISA account.

Disability and Long-Term Care

It is nearly impossible to perform an adequate retirement strategy without addressing the possibilities of a permanent disability or a long-term care event (i.e., Alzheimer’s, dementia, etc.). Because this is true, we at Integrity do not consider your retirement preparation complete until we have selected short- and long-term disability strategies and adequate long-term care strategies. We also appreciate the option of having our long-term care strategies cover care in your home as opposed to a nursing facility.

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