Risk Management Tools

Life Insurance for Individuals and Families

No person is completely immune to the risks of everyday life. Insurance, when used and applied correctly, can be an essential mechanism to manage risk. Life insurance is the final loving act. Have you ever thought about what it can mean for your family’s future?

There is no question that life insurance is an important form of protection. Life and business can take sudden and unexpected turns. Obtaining life insurance offers stability and peace of mind, which is very important.

Our risk management strategies and platforms involve the continuing process of identifying, analyzing, evaluating, and treating loss exposures, as well as the monitoring of risk control and financial resources to mitigate adverse effects of loss.

Building Wealth with Life Insurance

Life insurance can also create wealth! Build your legacy by obtaining a maximum-funded, tax-advantaged life contract. This is a cash-building machine offering better market growth and asset protection as well as tax-free income and distributions.

Understanding Your Full Human Life Value

Life insurance as it is currently marketed is the most undersold and unappreciated commodity in the marketplace. What would the loss of your life and the potential earnings of your life mean to your family? What is your full human life value?

Life insurance is not only used for end-of-life preparation for individuals and families. We understand that insurance should mirror the full human life value of lawsuits because properly settled lawsuits insure full human life value. Life insurance is a versatile tool for businesses of all sizes and may be written off by the company as bonus compensation (I.R.C. § 162(a)(1)).

Private Reserve Strategy and Life Insurance

A well-prepared private reserve strategy offers a business owner access to cash to help the business weather uncertain economic challenges. It can function as a valuable benefit to attract and retain top talent. It not only protects the organization and owners but can be used as a pension alternative, providing a tax-free revenue stream for retirement.

Life Insurance for Business

Disability Coverage

Many people have thought their most important assets were their homes, cars, and/or businesses. Because of this thinking, they have insured them, and many times “overinsured” them! However, we know your most important asset is your continuous ability to earn an income. Without that insurance, every other asset is in constant and continual jeopardy.

Key Person Coverage

Every business owner in today’s marketplace is seeking an advantage. The greatest advantage lies in the quality of the people on your team. Building a great team requires many things, the most significant being the ability to retain people once recruited. This is accomplished when you can identify and appropriately reward your key employees.

Businesses can suffer from a key employee’s death in specific ways. One is the loss of the person’s management skill and experience. Others may be disruptions with clients, credit difficulties, and increased expenses associated with hiring and training a key person’s replacement. Key person life insurance covers the life of an employee who is critical to the success and profitability of a business. The policy is purchased by the business, which is also the beneficiary. In addition, the cash value build-up can act as deferred compensation to the worker who stays with the company.

Group Benefits

One of the great morale boosters of the 21st century is the advent of group benefits. This includes everything from retirement strategy, healthcare, life, disability, etc. When employees have a complete benefits package, they are more productive, creative, and innovative as comprehensive areas of protection are met. We would love to introduce you and your firm to Wealth Steps™, our benefits and business education platform.

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